Consultation on Commercial Building Disclosure Program expansion is now open

Visit the have your say website to take our survey and/or upload your submission, and read the frequently asked questions (FAQ).

The Australian Government is considering changes to the Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) Program. Successive reviews of the CBD Program suggest that expanding the program to cover new building and ownership types will reduce energy consumption, reduce energy bills, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. On behalf of the Australian Government, KPMG has completed a feasibility report [PDF] on Expanding the Commercial Building Disclosure Program (feasibility report). This analysis of the CBD Program suggests it is performing well when compared internationally and, if expanded to other building types, could be a powerful tool in transitioning Australia’s commercial buildings to net zero.  

You can now provide feedback on the expansion of the CBD Program. Your feedback will help us develop a considered approach to that will assist Australia’s commercial building sector transition to a net zero future.  

To have your say:  

Submit your feedback by 5pm AEST, Friday, 13 September 2024

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